When I was a brand new baby Christian I spent a lot of time in the home of Dale and Margaret Lantis. Dale went to be with the Lord a few years ago. This weekend I learned that Margaret has followed him home. As I have thought about this dear sister over the past two…
Sometimes the value of a word in Scrabble ® bears no resemblance to that which the word represents. This is the case of today’s word, MOTHER. When the Lord commanded us to “honor your … Mother”, He used the language of value or price. “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be…
Work With One Another
Many times while playing Scrabble ® you find yourself with all vowels or no vowels. Sometimes you have “Q” but not the “U”. How then can you form a word? You play on the tiles supplied by another. If you play aggressively and block your opponent from being able to play a word you may…