Sometimes the value of a word in Scrabble ® bears no resemblance to that which the word represents. This is the case of today’s word, MOTHER. When the Lord commanded us to “honor your … Mother”, He used the language of value or price. “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be…
Work With One Another
Many times while playing Scrabble ® you find yourself with all vowels or no vowels. Sometimes you have “Q” but not the “U”. How then can you form a word? You play on the tiles supplied by another. If you play aggressively and block your opponent from being able to play a word you may…
Develop Your Vocabulary
Among the strategies to win at Scrabble (R) are to know the two letter words, some “z” words, and “q” words. This requires time with a dictionary memorizing combinations of letters that apart from the game have little use in everyday conversation. Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to…