Web Chapel

A Virtual Meeting Place

Christ Is Lord

That Day

Thought for the Morning

Isaiah 17:7  In that day a man will look to his Maker, And his eyes will have respect for the Holy One of Israel.

The phrase “in that day” is often used of a time when God will intervene and remove the yoke of oppression from His chosen people (Is 30.26) But there are also times when “In that day” means a time of judgment for his people (Zech 1-14-15)  The writings of the Prophets include many times the words “in that Day”. The phrase “in that day” is used over 200  times in all of the Scripture

But there is also “that day” when He will come to come for His Church and following that to set up His Kingdom and rule for a 1000 years as we read of the Revelation (Rev 20.4-5). In the verse before us, I believe Isaiah is referring to the time the Lord will return to reign in the Millennium (the end times).

There is a great hope that the Lord is coming to establish His kingdom.  The hope of His coming  is very dear to all believers -He is coming again! But first He is coming to take His “called out ones” home to be with Him.

Paul writes of that day to the Thessalonians Some false teachers had said the day of the Lord had already come (2Thes 2.2) and the Thessalonians were concerned about the saints who had died (1 Thes 4.13) ) – What about them?

God reveals to Paul “when He comes,in that day” (1Thes 1.10). And then he writes “For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven…” (Thes 4.16-17) Those who have died and those who live will be caught up to be with Him. Paul then writes,”(1 Thess 4. 8) Therefore comfort one another with these words. The Lord  did not come to these persecuted  saints in Thessonilica during their lifetime and He has not “caught up, or raptured His Church yet.

Where there is turmoil, where there is distress, where there is persecution there is also hope: looking for His coming.  We, in this country have not  experienced what the  early church was going through and what saints are experiencing in other parts of the world today.  Do we think much about His coming again but “in that Day” He will come.  We don’t seem to have  much teaching about “that day” in the church today.

1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 “For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. 17  Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. 18  Therefore comfort one another with these words.”

Looking for His coming.  Just a thought for the morning

