I am working on notes for Bible Study and remembered that Randy had written something on the topic. I rediscovered his website with the help of Joe Wilbur who worked with Randy on producing the Feed My Sheep Pamphlets. There are over one hundred Bible Study resources on this website.
Thinking7.org (Collected writings of Randy Amos)

Randal Paul Amos (1945-2020) was in full-time teaching ministry for over thirty years. He served on the Florida Men’s Bible Study committee and spoke often at the annual conference. He also spoke at Camp Horizon (C.I.T. camps) and the Central Florida Bible Conference. He made an annual trip to Florida and the Bahamas speaking at various meetings. He is with the Lord, but his teaching remains with us.
He is survived by his wife of over fifty years. Sylvia resides in Oregon and is an encouragement to many in the work of the Lord.