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Christ Is Lord

Category: A Word With Friends

  • Saint Nicholas: Yes Virginia …

    GUEST CONTENT: stonestruestory@gmail.com Carla Estell Our family celebrates Saint Nick’s Day each year with filled stockings.  It is usually the official start of the Christmas Season in our home.  Carla Estell has written an Ebook (PDF) about Santa Claus and the true meaning of Christmas.  If you print it double-sided it makes a book, or…

  • Free Christmas Book

    One of the websites that I manage is devoted to providing resources for children’s ministry (GospelTalks.com).  Eikon Bible Art is a source of printable and projectable Bible story pictures.  For Christmas they have a free Christmas book (pdf).  I got mine so I thought I would pass this along to others.  The free link is…

  • Lessons from Mothers in Scripture: Eve

    Eve: The Mother of All Living Gen 3:20 Now the man called his wife’s name Eve, because she was the mother of all the living.  (This is where the woman is first named Eve and the first use of “mother”).  God had made for man a helper to serve alongside of man.  The phrase “help…

  • Silent Prayer

    Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, …..  “Isaiah 6:8 As our nation awakened to the National Day of Prayer I opened my Bible (actually my tablet app) and read this prayer of Isaiah.  The passage begins with “I saw  the Lord.”  We often focus on this chapter as the vision of Isaiah. …


    And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; – Ephesians 5:18 Most folks think that they have control of themselves and their circumstances.  I am reminded of a scene from the movie The Devil Wears Prada.  Miranda, a powerful fashion editor, is explaining to her second assistant Andrea that…