

Web Chapel exists to promote fellowship among assemblies of those who meet simply in the Name of Jesus Christ by communicating opportunities to gather together and sharing the teaching of local brethren.


This website has two purposes: 1) To exchange or share ideas, devotional content, Bible study outlines, Bible study tools, etc., and 2) To provide a calendar of events where Christians may gather with others of like-same faith.

Teaching posts are located on the blog page (Contributions). Events are located on the Announcements page.

We are happy to post contributions from brethren from among the assemblies and to announce events (conferences, VBS, special meetings, etc.) To submit a guest contribution or event you can contact us at news@webchapel.org .

What we believe …

  • We believe that the Bible is the Word of God and that it provides everything necessary for life and godliness.
  • We believe that forgiveness of sin, imputation of righteousness, and eternal salvation are through the Person and Work of Jesus Christ alone and is availed through faith in Him.  Faith alone in Christ alone.
  • We do not recognize denominational authorities or titles.  We know each other simply as brothers and sisters in Christ.
  • We welcome contributions from those of like-same faith who fellowship and worship among us.

The Gospel Talks and Chapel Audio websites are also a part of this online ministry.
ChapelAudio.com provides recorded Bible teaching and handouts or visuals when available.
GospelTalks.com is focused on children’s Bible study materials.

1 Timothy 6:15 Bible Stories Bible Study Notes blood of christ Bromfield Carl B Children Christmas confidence Dennis_Ploor devotional DPloor Eve Faith fear Forgiveness Genesis Grief Haggai 1:7 Herm K Hope Hosea Idoloatry Israel John 4:50 Loss Love malcolm horlock Mothers Obedience Parenting Prayer Psalm 78:38 Psalm 107 Psalm 118:6 Randy Amos resources Revelation 21:1 Righteousness Spanish Suffering Vows Zephaniah 1:4 Zephaniah 1:5 Zephaniah 1:6